Yes, These Small Jobs Require the Services of a Plumber

If you're like many homeowners, you may try to manage small repair jobs around the house yourself in order to save money on those repair bills. This can be manageable for some odd jobs around the house, but it's not recommended for everything you need to get done, including seemingly minor plumbing repairs and updates. Note a few of these jobs in particular so you know when to call a plumber and let him or her handle this work for you.

Sink replacement

You might assume that putting in a new kitchen or bathroom sink means sliding it into place, connecting a few hoses and pipes, and being done with the job. Replacing a sink isn't quite this simple, however, as you need to ensure the sink is properly sealed along its edges in order to avoid water leaks, and you need to ensure the pipes are also cemented or taped so that they don't leak. It can also be good to have a plumber actually help you pick out a new sink so you get one that fits the cut-outs in the current benchtop and that has the right hoses and pipes for the home's current plumbing fixtures.

Toilet repair

Fixing a leaking or running toilet or one that doesn't flush properly may only involve replacing the flapper inside the toilet tank. While this may sound simple, the chain to the flapper often needs adjusting so that the flapper closely completely each time you flush and so that the chain doesn't get caught around the plug when the toilet tank empties. To ensure this job is done right and you don't actually make these problems worse, have a plumber install any necessary parts inside the toilet tank.

Water heater installation

As with a kitchen sink, installing a new hot water heater is more complicated than simply sliding a new unit into the footprint of the old one and then connecting some hoses. The temperature of the water needs to be adjusted so that you don't burn yourself, and the water pressure may also need an adjustment. As with a sink, you might also use the expertise of a plumber to help you choose a new hot water heater, as you may want something more energy-efficient, of a different size, or even one that is powered by solar panels rather than gas or electricity. A plumber can help you choose what's best for your family and your home and ensure the new tank is installed properly.
