Commercial Plumbing: Why You Need to Carry Out a Flow Analysis of Your Building

When you run the faucets in your business facility, you may never stop to think about the water flow and how it can affect the plumbing system. Low flow rates in the faucets and plumbing fixtures in a commercial facility are an indication of an underlying problem. That's why every business owner needs to carry out a flow analysis of their building. The inspection assesses the flow rate and looks for issues that could cause it to go down. Failure to carry out a flow analysis of your plumbing system may result in costly repairs in the long run.

This article will address some of the reasons why you should see a commercial plumber about analysing the water flow in your building. 

Prevent water contamination

Many people assume that the water running through their pipes is clean and safe for use. However, this is not always the case; a low flow rate encourages backflow, a situation that can cause health hazards in your business facility. For example, wastewater that's supposed to end up in the main drain line may flow back into distribution pipes and contaminate the water that flows through the faucets in the building. Flow analysis can help identify plumbing issues that cause backflow. After that, you can install a backflow preventer to maintain clean and healthy water in the building.

Identify faults in plumbing design

When you buy into a commercial building, you may not know much about the design of the plumbing system. Unfortunately, poorly designed systems may prevent the water from flowing in the desired speed. For example, bent pipes force the water to twist through corners, and this will slow down their speed. Pipes should be installed in such a way that water moves in a straight path through most of the system. If this is not the case, an analysis of the plumbing system can reveal the fault. A plumber can recommend the best way to remedy this problem and restore the proper flow of water.

Remedy water pressure

Low water pressure can lead to water wastage and a host of other problems such as scalding in hot water faucets. If the water pressure in your building is noticeably low, the problem could lie with the flow rate of the water. When the water is not flowing correctly due to faults in the system, it won't reach its destination in the right pressure. So, before you go replacing the pressure valve, consider carrying out a flow analysis of the entire plumbing system. The inspection will reveal faults in the system, and a professional will remedy them to restore pressure in your faucets.

Contact a commercial plumber for a detailed analysis of the water flow in your building so that you can unearth and remedy underlying problems in the system.
