Immediate Measures to Take When You Realise You Have a Burst Pipe

There is nothing as bad as burst pipes in your home and not knowing what to do to minimise property loss from water damage. And considering the assortment of causes of burst pipes, from freezing weather to natural ageing, the likelihood of encountering this emergency is quite high. Therefore, it is crucial for all homeowners to know what steps to take when they find themselves with this type of crisis on their hands before their local plumber can make their way to their residence. To minimise the extent of flood damage that your home is exposed to, below are some of the immediate measures that you should take when you realise that you have a burst pipe.

Step 1: Close the stopcock and drain your taps

The first thing to do when faced with a burst pipe is to cut all water supply. However, although this may seem like a straightforward measure, it is unfortunate that many homeowners do not know where to locate the stopcock, especially if they have never had to turn off their main water supply. It is vital for all inhabitants of the residence to know where the stopcock is since you can never determine when you will need to use it. Subsequently, ensure that all your pipes are emptied of water. Draining all the faucets helps to limit the amount of water that is leaking through the burst pipe. This measure is especially beneficial if you have not yet located the burst pipe but can see visible signs of flood damage in your home. Once the flow of water from the plumbing system has ceased, it is only a matter of time until the leaking subsides.

Step 3: Maneuver around your home with extreme caution

Having a burst pipe is quite hazardous, mainly if the affected hardware is hidden behind walls or flooring. If the burst pipe is not out in the open, it is crucial for all inhabitants to manoeuvre around the premises with utmost caution. Be on the lookout for any signs of bulging, as these would indicate the proximity of the leak. Beware that if the burst pipe has gone undetected for a while, it is likely that parts of your structure will be retaining this water and any pressure could cause them to succumb to the weight. If possible, you may consider arranging for temporary accommodation so that your plumber can fix the plumbing hardware. Enlisting flood damage services is also advisable to eliminate the excess water in your home and carry out mould remediation if need be.
