Some Surprising Signs That Your Home May Need a Blocked Drain Specialist

If your home has a drain that is completely clogged and you've tried unsuccessfully addressing this issue with a plunger or some type of homemade remedy, then of course you're going to need to call blocked drain specialists. However, a completely clogged drain is not the only sign that there is a blockage in a plumbing pipe, as sometimes that blockage isn't so severe that it doesn't allow any and all liquids to pass through. Note what this means, and a few surprising signs that you may need to call a blocked drain specialist to your home.


A blocked drain usually means a build-up of solid waste and other matter in the plumbing pipes. Even if the pipe is not blocked completely, this solid matter can cling to the walls of the pipe and become larger, and more foul-smelling, over time. Soon, that bad odour will make its way up to the drains and the toilets in the home, and you'll be able to notice this smell even if your plumbing fixtures are clean. Once this happens, you'll need to call a blocked drain specialist to address the issue.


As said, a clogged drain may not be completely blocked, as solid matter simply builds up in a blocked area over time. As that blockage gets worse, air gets trapped in the pipe near the area of the blockage. This causes a gurgling sound as liquid passes through it. Never assume that gurgling is normal in home plumbing, but have a blocked drain specialist examine the pipes, especially if you've never heard this gurgling sound before.

High-rising toilets

When you flush a toilet, the water level in the bowl might rise slightly as the bowl is being refilled while it empties; however, the key word is "slightly." If that water line rises significantly when you flush, even if the bowl does eventually empty, and especially if the water reaches the top of the bowl or overflows, this often means the home has a blocked drain. The water in the toilet is going through the pipes more slowly than the water filling the bowl, so the toilet then gets very close to overflowing. Ignoring this problem can mean the blockage only gets worse over time, so that the toilet doesn't flush at all! Have a blocked drain specialist snake out the toilet or check for damage to the plumbing pipes once you notice any high-rising toilets in the house.
