Can Dishwashing Liquid Unblock Your Toilet?

If your toilet isn't flushing as strongly as it should, then you may have a minor blockage that is holding things up. This isn't unusual, and the toilet usually clears itself on its own.

However, if your toilet doesn't show any signs of improvement after a couple of days, you need to act. A friend tells you that they use dishwashing soap to clear small clogs. How does this work and will it work on your lethargic flush?

How Dishwashing Soap Works on Blocked Toilets

This fix works on the principle that soap cuts through certain substances like grease. To try this solution, you squirt a good inch or so of dishwashing soap down your toilet.

The soap won't do much in cold water, so follow it up with some hot water. This increases the soap's grease-cutting power. Then, wait a while for the mix to activate. So, go and do something else for an hour or so.

Once you've given the liquid time to work, flush the toilet. You'll see immediately if there is any improvement.

Does Dishwashing Soap Unblock Toilets?

This fix works on some toilet blockages but not others. Typically, it has the best results if your blockage is caused — even just in part — by something that contains grease or oily substances.

For example, if your toilet is blocked because you had a particularly bad stomach upset caused by eating very greasy food, the dishwashing soap may attack some of the grease and wash it away. It may also lubricate the blockage enough to allow it to move down into the drain where it can be flushed away.

Toilets also sometimes get clogged up with grease if you regularly use them to dispose of certain kinds of food waste. For example, they can get blocked by food scraps, oil you've used to fry food and greasy sauces and gravies.

If enough of this stuff comes together and sits in your toilet, it can block its drain. Dishwashing soap may help break it up.

However, soap won't work on other types of blockages. If you've accidentally thrown a nappy or a load of make-up wipes down the pan, then soap isn't going to help you out.

So, if a dishwashing soap solution doesn't work or if you know it isn't likely to help, then get a plumber to take a look at your toilet and blocked drains. You may have a simple blockage or a deeper problem further down the drain.
