4 Reasons to Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Many homeowners reach for a chemical drain cleaner when they face a blocked drain, but this is not always the best approach. Drain cleaning chemicals can damage health, bathroom fittings and the environment—and they do not even always work. Take a look at these arguments for trying an alternative approach, such as using a drain snake or calling a professional plumber, before pouring drain cleaner down the drain to fix a clog.

1. Chemical Drain Cleaners Damage Health

Drain cleaning chemicals have to be highly corrosive so they can do their job of dissolving organic material that is lodged in the pipe network. Their corrosive nature means they can also damage skin, airways and eyes.

If you use drain cleaning chemicals, you will need to wear rubber gloves to protect your skin. You should open windows to avoid breathing in the fumes and take care to keep the product away from your eyes. Be sure to store the products well away from areas of the home used by children and pets.

2. Chemical Drain Cleaners Cause Environmental Problems

After you pour drain cleaning chemicals down the drain, they are eventually washed into streams and rivers. In these environments, they can kill fish and change the conditions so that plants cannot grow. For these reasons, many environmentally conscious consumers are trying to avoid using chemical drain cleaners in their homes.

3. Chemical Drain Cleaners Damage Bathroom Fittings

Owners of enamel bathtubs and basins must be careful to avoid using chemical drain cleaners. These products strip the shiny finish away from enamel bathroom fittings, ruining their appearance. Restoration can be costly and it is not always possible to restore the enamel to its original state.

In addition to their devastating effect on enamel, chemical drain cleaning products can also damage old pipework. This could lead to further plumbing issues, such as leaks.

4. Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Often Ineffective

Drain cleaning chemicals are only effective against blockages that are formed from organic materials that break down easily, such as kitchen scraps. Clogs that contain hair or objects that have been dropped down the drain are resistant to treatment with chemical drain cleaning products. A more effective approach to clearing these clogs is to use a drain snake to dislodge the clog. Alternatively, you can call a plumber, who can use expertise and specialist tools to investigate and resolve the cause of the blockage.
