Fix Your Slow-Running Bathtub and Make Bath Time More Enjoyable

Slow running means that water stays in your bathtub much longer than it ought to after you pull the plug. No one wants wake up to a bathroom that drains slowly. The issue develops over time, and it's hard to identify it as soon as it starts. Many homeowners ignore the issue until it becomes a serious problem. Fortunately, a slow-running bathtub problem is resolved easily by using basic tools and methods when you know what you are dealing with. Below are some of the most common causes of blocked drains, along with their suggested fixes.


Human hair and animal fur are some of the biggest contributors to clogs in the bathtub drains. The situation is worse when combined with other substances used in the bath space, like soap. When it knots up, hair attaches itself to the drain parts and remains stuck.

Simple plunging is enough, but it's more effective when combined with a commercial drain cleaner for tough clogs. Alternatively, a DIY drain cleaner made from baking soda and vinegar is sufficient. Stubborn clogs are easy to clear using a plumber's snake. You can prevent further hair clogs by using a strainer drain guard and cleaning the drain regularly.

Shifting Pipes

Over time, the ground below your home may shift and settle. Older style pipes, which were typically in three-foot sections and built from concrete and clay, move from their original placement positions. The drain pipes are pushed upwards or sideways, affecting the flow from your home to the sewer system, which depends on gravity to work effortlessly.

In this case, call in a professional plumber to fix the problem because it involves major work and excavation. Any time you move into an older house, make sure you get in touch with professionals to inspect the current plumbing system, especially the bathroom drains. They use small cameras to explore the status of the pipes, even the parts of the plumbing system underground.

Mineral Buildup

If you use hard water at home, mineral deposits will block your drains within a few years. This reduces the flow of water from your bathtub while causing backups. The remedy involves de-scaling your pipes to remove the buildup, a task that a professional plumber handles so well. The best solution for this problem is installing a water softener system for your home's water supply.

If there are multiple blocked drains in your home, your main drainage system will be compromised or clogged. Get help from a competent plumber before the blocked drain causes some other severe plumbing problems.
