When Should You Call a Plumber to Look Into Your Toilet Situation?

Undoubtedly, a toilet is a critical component of any building, whether residential or commercial. Not a day goes by without using the toilet several times. That is why it is essential to pay attention to this small room in your home. 

If something goes amiss in your toilet, you need to seek urgent plumbing services to ensure continued use of the facility. This article looks at some instances when you will need the assistance of a plumber for your toilet problem. 

Your Plunger Has Failed at Unclogging the Toilet

Before calling a plumber, most people run for the plunger to unclog their toilets. Unfortunately, not many homeowners know how to use this tool, so they end up getting frustrated. For instance, trying to form a tight seal during plugging can lead to a failed mission.

Additionally, the plunger might not help if the issue is severe. Using a plunger during such times might only aggravate the situation. As such, you need to call a plumbing company for help. With their special tools and experience, they will get the situation under control in no time.

You Plunge the Toilet Nearly Every Week

It is prudent to allow an expert to handle a situation if your DIY solution is not working. For example, your plunger may unclog the toilet but temporarily. In this case, you will find yourself plunging after every toilet flush. The fact that you have to use the plunger now and then clearly indicates a deep issue requiring the attention of an experienced plumber.

You Feel You Might Have Damaged Your Toilet While Plunging

In your efforts of fixing the toilet, you may end up creating additional problems like leaks. For example, you can break a seal that might lead to a leak when plunging. You should call a plumbing contractor instantly when you suspect a leak or any other damage to the system. 

You Hear Gurgling Sounds From Your Toilet

If you hear gurgling sounds from the toilet, you might be dealing with air pressure build-up in the plumbing pipes. There is a good chance the problem has extended to the septic tank, which is why you should have it fixed quickly. 

Normally, gurgling noises indicate clogging in the septic tank. As such, there is limited space for wastewater to pass through, causing air pressure accumulation in the drainage pipes. It is, therefore, crucial to call a plumber anytime you hear such sounds.

Though toilet issues are common, you can avoid them through regular plumbing system maintenance. However, you should call a plumbing service to do the necessary repairs when faced with the issues above.
